vCommander leverages third-party solutions like Datadog for real-time performance monitoring, dashboards and alerting. Although vCommander itself retrieves and displays native performance metrics from the underlying clouds/hypervisors, for deep performance analysis, we recommend third-party solutions.

This article shows you how to display data from Datadog for VMs in the Service Portal.

  1. Install Datadog Agents on your VMs by following the procedure in Basic Agents Usage.
  2. Create a Datadog dashboard with the desired metrics.
  3. In the upper-right corner, click the gear and then Configure sharing.

  4. Copy the Public URL for later use.

  5. You will use this URL in two parts in a later step:
  6. In vCommander, create a Text-type custom attribute named Datadog Performance that applies to Services

  7. Disable Edit in Service Portal.
  8. Click Next and keep the default setting, Free Form, and click Finish.
  9. On the VM that the dashboard applies to, set the custom attribute value to the Dashboard ID. For example: 


  10. In vCommander, go to Configuration > System Configuration > Service Portal > Custom External Information for VMs
  11. Set the URL to the Base URL plus the custom attribute variable. For example:{target.customAttribute['Datadog Performance']}

  12. Log in to the Service Portal and click the name of the VM in the VMs and Services widget.
  13. Scroll down and expand the Datadog Performance panel.