vCenter system events are occasionally used for troubleshooting vCommander® issues, as it becomes necessary to understand what happened on the vCenter. You can retrieve the system events using either the thick client or the web client. The results will be a set of archive files, one for each host and one for the client machine used.

Thick Client

Follow this process if you have the vSphere thick client installed. Note that the retrieval time varies based on a number of factors, such as the overall occupancy of your hosts and the activity level in your environment.

  1. Login to the vSphere client and under the File menu, choose Export > Export Events.

  2. Specify the File name  or use the Browse... control to select an existing file.
  3. Check User and/or System as the Type of event to export. 
  4. Leave All users selected, or select These users and search for the vCommander connection account, or other users under scrutiny.
  5. Check each Severity you want included.
  6. Use the Time controls to define the period for which the events will be retrieved.
  7. Select All matching events or select the other radio button to limit to a set number returned.
  8. Click OK.

The events are exported to the text file you specified.

Thin Client

 Follow this process if you do not have the vSphere thick client installed. Note that the retrieval time varies based on a number of factors, such as the overall occupancy of your hosts and the activity level in your environment.

  1. Login to the vSphere web client and click Event Console from the Home screen.

  2. In the Events Console click the export icon .

  3. Check User and/or System as the Type of event to export. 

  4. Leave All users selected, or select These users and search for the vCommander connection account, or other users under scrutiny.

  5. Check each Severity you want included.

  6. Use the Time controls to define the period for which the events will be retrieved.

  7. Select All matching events or select the other radio button to limit to a set number returned.

  8. Check the Columns you want included in the export.

  9. Click Generate CSV Report, a summary screen will appear advising how many rows match your filters.

  10. Click Save.