The vCommander® Install Guide provides a table listed the required ports which must be configured for successful communication for most implementations. This includes opening port 1433 TCP outbound on the vCommander application server and any intermediary firewall between it and the SQL Server.


However, additional ports may be required depending on the configuration of your SQL Server.


UDP Port 1434

When you install the vCommander database to a SQL named instance, you must open UDP port 1434, on which the database engines listens for incoming connections.


Dynamic Ports

When you install the vCommander database to a SQL Named Instance, including SQL Express, dynamic ports are used by default. Each time the database starts, an available port is chosen and used. Where no other SQL instances are present, most typically the port selected will be TCP 1433. When another instance is already running, it’s unlikely to select TCP 1433. This port number may change each time the database engine is started, which makes it difficult to configure firewall rules.

The best solution in this case is to assign a static port for the database engine.


UDP Ports 500, 4500

When IPSec is required by the domain policy, you must also add UDP ports 500 and 4500 to the firewall configuration.


You may need to enable TCP/IP Protocol to allow connections to the instance.