If you are uncertain about the version of Embotics® vCommander® that is installed, you can get the information from two places, the Embotics vCommander user interface and the database.

User Interface

To determine the version of Embotics vCommander from the user interface, follow the procedure below.

  1. Login to Embotics vCommander.
  2. Under the Help menu, choose About.


SQL Database

To determine the version of Embotics vCommander from a Microsoft SQL database, follow the procedure below.

  1. Launch SQL Server Management Studio and connect to the Embotics vCommander database server.
  2. Right-click the Embotics vCommander database and choose New Query.
  3. In the new query pane that opens, enter
    SELECT * FROM [dbo.version]
  4. Click Execute.
The results will include columns for version and release_number. Version is the public version number of Embotics vCommander and release_number is the actual build number.

PostgreSQL Database

To determine the version of Embotics vCommander from a Microsoft SQL database, follow the procedure below.

  1. Login to the Embotics vCommander application server and browse to<INSTALL_DIRECTORY>\Embotics\vCommander\pgsql\bin and execute pgAdmin3.

  2. From the File menu, choose Add Server.

  3. In the New Server Registration dialog, enter localhost in the Name and Host fields.
  4. Enter vlmuser in the Username field.
  5. Enter vlmpasswd in the Password field.

  6. Click OK.
  7. Expand Server Groups > Servers > localhost > Databases. An X appears beside the vlm database, indicating you are not currently connected.
  8. Select the vlm database. A connection is established.
  9. Right-click the vlm database and choose CREATE Script.
  10. Clear the contents of the SQL Editor pane and copy in 
    SELECT * FROM [dbo].[version]
  11. Under the Query menu, choose Execute.

The results will include columns for version character varying(32) and release_number character varying (32).Version is the public version number of Embotics vCommander and release_number is the actual build number.