This article describes a configuration which can be used to ensure that expiry emails are sent to all owners of a VM, with only the primary owner receiving the option to extend the expiry date.

Configuring the Expiry Policy

An expiry policy identifies and allows you to control VMs across your managed inventory based on a expiry date you set for each VM. Follow the steps below to configure an expiry policy suitable for your organization.

  1. Login to vCommander® with an account that has the superuser role.
  2. Under the Configuration menu, choose Policies.
  3. Switch to the Advanced Policy Configuration tab.
  4. Click Add.
  5. On the Choose a Policy page, click Expiry. Click Next.

  6. Enter a meaningful name such as Expiry Notification Policy and add a description, if you prefer. Click Next.
  7.  Choose the expiry group to associate with the policy and the target from the Operational tree pane.In the screenshot below, the policy will work for all VMs that are members of the New Expiry Group under the Upgrades resource pool. Click Next.

  8. Use the controls on the Configure the Policy page to define what automated actions you want to take, and when. For the purpose of sending expiring extension emails, the only control we’re concerned with is setting the Days before the Expiry Date. This is when emails will be issued to the VM owners, advising that they are soon to expire. The default is 7 days. Click Next.
  9. Check Enable expiry date extension. Set the Days to extend expiry date by (default is 90 days). If you do not want to initiate an approval policy, leave Approval state will be as unchanged. Otherwise, choose Set to unapproved. Click Next.
  10. On the Notifications page, check Send email to All Owners. This causes the primary owner to get the notification including the approval link, and other owners to get a non-actionable notification. Update the Subject and Body as appropriate. Click Next.

  11. Click Finish.

Using Saved Searches to Track Extensions

Allowing users to request extensions can save a lot of time, but as an administrator, it’s important to understand which users are request the extensions, and how frequently. Follow the steps below to create a saved search that makes this data available.

  1. Under the Tools menu, click Search.
  2. Click Events beside Help Me Find.
  3. Click  beside Location to choose where in the Operational, VMs and Templates or Datastore the search will be run.
  4. Choose to Filter By:Type > equals > Expiry Extension
    > is > Info
  5. Click Search.
  6. On the Results tab, click Save Search.
  7. Add the name Expiry Extensions and choose the Solution Category Lifecycle Management. Click OK.

Scheduling Results

You can now schedule this search to run on a interval and be delivered to email recipients you specify.

  1. Under the Tools menu, choose Scheduled Tasks.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Select the Saved Search radio button. Click Next.
  4. Select Expiry Extensions from the Saved Search combo box. Fill out the Email Report choices to suit your preferences. Note that choosing to Attach report as CSV will allow you to manipulate the data more easily once received. Click Next.

  5. Do not check anything on the Results Details page. Click Next.
  6. On the Scheduling page, check Enabled and use the Frequency and Recurrence controls to define the delivery schedule. Click Next.
  7. Review your choices on the Summary page, and click Finished.