When Embotics® vCommander® is installed, you can use the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) or IP address of the server upon which it is installed in order to access the system.

If you need to change the FQDN used to access vCommander, follow the procedure below once you have made any associated updates to your DNS records.

  1. Login to the Embotics vCommander application server and launch the Windows Registry Editor by issuing the command regedit.

  2. Navigate to:

    HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Apache Software Foundation\Procrun 2.0\vlm\Parameters\Java

  3. Making sure there is no white space before or after the line, modify the multi-string Options to include:


  4. Close the Registry Editor and launch the Services Management console by issuing the command services.msc.
  5. Locate vCommander in the list of services. Right-click it and choose Restart.

Once the system is restarted, the new FQDN will be used.