The Storage Summary Report provides information about the amount of storage used by VMs and templates, whether they are in-inventory or out-of-inventory. Also displayed are the yearly costs associated with the use of storage, based on the the values entered in the Costs page under the Configuration menu.

Note: Embotics® vCommander® calculates storage costs for VMs based on whether thick or thin provisioning is being used.

The summary information provided for in and out of inventory objects includes:

  • the number of VMs and templates
  • the total size
  • the total cost of storage per year
  • the total cost of software and support


The top 5 virtual machines in terms of space consumed are also displayed, with summary information including:

  • size in gigabytes
  • the total cost of storage per year
  • the datastore location


In the expandable VM details section, all VMs and templates are listed with summary information including:

  • VM name
  • host
  • datastore
  • primary owner
  • hard drive consumption (GB)
  • storage cost per year