Although you can configure accounts local to Embotics® vCommander®, users who already have accounts in Active Directory will appreciate the convenience of signing in using their Domain credentials. When you provide Embotics vCommander access to Active Directory, all domains are mapped for use with Embotics vCommander users. If the directory service has more than one Domain or many sub-Domains, this can increase the time it takes to authenticate a user and log them in to the system.

If the Embotics vCommander users belong to only one or two of the Domains present in the directory service, you can restrict the search to those specific Domains in order to speed up the authentication process. To do so, follow the procedure below.

  1. On the vCommander application server, navigate to vCommander:
    - 5.x.x <INSTALL_DIRECTORY>\Embotics\vCommander\tomcat\common\classes.
    - 6.x.x <INSTALL_DIRECTORY>\Embotics\vCommander\authservice\common\classes
    - 7.x.x <INSTALL_DIRECTORY>\Embotics\vCommander\indentyservice\config
  2. Create a text file called ad-inclusion.conf
  3. Enter each domain you want to search on a separate line and in lowercase. Child Domains must be explicitly listed.

  4. Save the file.
  5. Log into vCommander and browse to Configuration > System Configuration.
  6. Choose your Active Directory configuration and click Edit.
  7. Without making any changes, click OK.

The next time a user logs in the search will be restricted to the named Domains which will speed up the authentication process.