In order to scan guests and use guest workflow steps, Embotics® vCommander® logs into localhost and uses it as a proxy to connect and perform the scan. Even when the service account is a normal user account with no rights to access the guests, this will succeed because a script is run which provides the service account with sufficient privilege to query WMI on the guests. 

Configuring a New Service Account

If you change the service account, the script must be run for the new account if it does not have rights to access the guests. Follow the steps below to do so.

  1. Login to the Embotics vCommander server as an Administrator.
  2. Launch a command prompt and change directory to \Program Files\Embotics\vCommander\support\.
  3. Issue the command allow-wmi <username>
  4. Once the command completes, the service account will be able to scan guests using localhost as a proxy.

Next, update the credentials inside vCommander:

  1. Under Configuration choose Credentials.
  2. Select the vCommander Service Account in the list and click Edit.
  3. Update the Password and click OK.

Additional Information

When unable to connect using localhost as a proxy, Embotics vCommander will fall back to attempting to login to guests using the credentials you have configured in Embotics vCommander.

See Also