Does not apply to version 7 and up. 

Of all the situations which require debug logging to be turned on for vCommander®, deployment placement deserves special mention. It can be frustrating to know there’s been a failure and not have all of the details available. vCommander does provide comments for each deployment, but does not yet describe exactly why the available destinations have been excluded:

Following our article Troubleshooting Deployment Placement you can use a self-guided troubleshooter to determine the root cause of the failure.

In addition to this information, vCommander admins can follow the procedure below to create an additional log file specifically to capture debug information for vCommander deployments.

  1. On the Embotics vCommander application server, open <INSTALL_DIRECTORY>\Embotics\vCommander\tomcat\common\classes\ using a text editor, such as Notepad.
  2. Add the following statements to the end of the file: 
    # Placement details to a separate log file
    log4j.appender.PLACEMENT.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [%t] %p - %m%n
    log4j.logger.destination.placement=DEBUG, PLACEMENT

     The value (MaxFileSize) determine how large the files are and (MaxBackupIndex) determine how many files are created before the logs roll over .

  3. Save the file.

A new log file gets created once you save the changes:

Now, when there’s a deployment failure you can either examine these  logs for the cause or supply them to Embotics Support as part of the diagnostics bundle. The logging will look something like this:

2016-03-22 11:27:26,203 [http-bio-443-exec-3] DEBUG – Loading destinations took 47 ms 

2016-03-22 11:27:26,203 [http-bio-443-exec-3] DEBUG – Adding 6 placement processors from amazon_aws 

2016-03-22 11:27:26,203 [http-bio-443-exec-3] DEBUG – ManagementServerFilter operating on [RequestPlacementInquiry: Request id=-1/[RequestedService: AWS Catalog/-1/null]/null] 

2016-03-22 11:27:26,203 [http-bio-443-exec-3] DEBUG – Filtering out destinations to only those that refer to [13172736 MANAGEMENTSERVER Embotics AWS Web Services] 


2016-03-22 11:27:35,326 [http-bio-443-exec-3] DEBUG – Placing [RequestPlacementInquiry: Request id=-1/[RequestedService: Windows Server 2012/-1/null]/null] took 62 ms 

2016-03-22 11:27:35,326 [http-bio-443-exec-3] DEBUG – 2 rated destinations: [[RatedDestination: 110 / [DeploymentDefault 31 (Nord_Deploy)]], [RatedDestination: 100 / [DeploymentDefault 30 (Eng_dest5_superuser)]]]



Note that this log sample has been significantly trimmed down, as a  single deployment can easily log thousands of lines. As such, in most  cases it will be best to provide the log files to the Embotics® Support  team for evaluation.

See Also