Embotics® vCommander® automation allows you to automatically approve requests checking a condition. Among the many time-savings opportunities this presents is the ability for users to provision low-cost requests without your intervention.

For example, if you know that all requests with a monthly cost of more than $100.00 must be approved manually, you can configure conditional approval for requests at or below this amount. If you are using Active Directory groups, you can also assign conditional approvals relevant to each department in your organization.

Configuring Conditional Approval

The steps below describe how to create an approval workflow that notifies you only when the monthly cost of a request exceeds $100.00. Otherwise, approval is automatic. If you have automatic deployment options enabled, the entire process will be hands-free barring any environmental issues.

  1. Login to Embotics vCommander and choose Service Request Configuration under Configuration.
  2. Switch to the Approval Workflow tab and click Add.
  3. On the Name & Type page, enter a meaningful name for the approval workflow. Choose to apply this workflow when a new request is created. Click Next.

  4. On the Assignment page, leave Apply workflow globally to apply this workflow for anyone without another workflow explicitly assigned, or select Allow these specific organizations, users and groups to access this workflow and select the appropriate organization, users and groups. Click Next.
  5. On the Steps page, click Add and choose Send Approval Email.
  6. Edit the Step Name to something meaningful, such as Request Approval If > 100/month.
  7. Choose Execute when conditions are met for Step Execution.
  8. Click Edit and enter the Condition #{request.monthlyCost} -gt 100. Click OK.

  9. Add recipients to the Address List. When a request has a monthly cost that exceed $100.00, one of these people will have to approve it in order for it to continue.
  10. Edit the Email Subject and Email Body as suitable for your needs. Click Next.
  11. On the Automation Options page, check Automatically deploy approved requests. If suitable for your needs, check Set primary owner as administrator. Click Next.
  12. Review your configuration on the Summary page and click Finish when complete.

Using Other Cost-based Conditions

The example above used monthly costs for as the condition for approval, but you can also use the following cost-based conditions:

  • #{request.annualCost}
  • #{request.quarterlyCost}
  • #{request.dailyCost}